The English mother tongue teachers

Miss G.
Once a week we have an English lesson with Ms. Gugliotta. These one-hour lessons are very interesting. The topics covered so far have been based on the seasons and temperatures. We studied a lot of different adjectives, nouns and verbs to describe the weather in the different seasons.
The method we use to learn new words is to underline them, to rewrite them in the notebook section dedicated and to study them. The oral testing is divided into three parts: first she asks us to recite a poem called “What makes weather”, then she projects images of landscapes and we have to describe the weather. After that she asks us some questions about some passages we read.
These questions prepared by Ms Gugliotta are structured to check what we learnt in her lessons (vocabulary, synonyms, adjectives, specific terms …). Her lessons are also very useful to learn a language that is as close as possible to the original.
Pietro Guazzarri
Miss Sandra Groome
Miss Sandra Groome is the new English mother tongue teacher who teaches in 3 A, B, C and in our high school. Her job consists in preparing all students to the KET Exam, which is taking place at the end of the year.
She comes from Dublin, Ireland, and I think she would be very happy to see me write this article in English. I hope that in the exam I won’t have to write a composition in English without dictionary because it would be extremely difficult!
Anyway, we, students of IIIC, have lesson with Sandra every Monday morning. During our lessons she speaks only English! She translates into Italian only when she needs to explain the meaning of a new word or a new subject. As she told us, every two lessons she devotes a period to oral tests.
Eliana Beatrice Rantas & Adelaide Catania