Sacro Cuore uniform


In eight grade our mother tongue teacher Sandra Groome has started a programme  on clothes, so I decided to write about our school uniform in English.

Unlike many schools here in Italy,  we  wear  a uniform. At  Sacro Cuore Middle School all students must wear a light blue, white or blue polo shirt, dark pants or dark skirts, a blue sweater or a sweatshirt and shoes. During P.E. classes, students must wear sneakers and a tracksuit which  the school sells at the beginning of the year. They need to bring a swimsuit when they go to the pool.

I usually wear polo shirts, jeans and hoodies, but I never wear skirts because I don’t like them.  I think they aren’t  very comfortable. Many students dress the same as me, but despite our clothes, we are all  very different.

By Adelaide Catania


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